What are microplastics?
Everyone knows about the plastic soup in the oceans. A terrible development of society’s overuse of plastic. Everything on everything is used to remove them. However, plastic is not just the bottles you can see in the water, unfortunately there are also microplastic particles that can be found in our products and in our drinking water. You have the option of filtering these microplastic particles out of your water yourself.
The World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that microplastics contain a wide range of materials composed of different substances. Microplastics include different densities, chemical compositions, shapes and sizes. There is no scientifically agreed-upon definition of microplastics. The WHO hereby suggests that all plastics smaller than 5 mm be referred to as microplastics. However, PB considers this a rather arbitrary definition, especially in combination with drinking water. Plastic of 5 mm is filtered out of the water in the Netherlands by water purification plants, moreover, you could almost detect it with the eye. It is thereby unlikely that particles of this size are found in purified drinking water.
To reduce exposure to microplastics, you can choose to add a water filter to your system. PB water filters remove substances, particles and bacteria larger than 0.02 microns, using techniques such as microfiltration and ultrafiltration.